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The Kiwanis Club of Lindenhurst honors "Terrific Kids".

The Kiwanis Club of Lindenhurst recently honored two fifth-grade students at the Alleghany Avenue and Daniel Street schools as Terrific Kids. Terrific Kids is a student recognition program, created

Lindenhurst Families enjoyed Connected Community Night March 11th

Lindenhurst Families Participate in Third Annual Connected Community Night The Lindenhurst Union Free School District, in collaboration with Lindy Cares and the Town of Babylon, successfully

The newly formed LMS Builders Club recently installed its officers and members.

The Builders Club of Lindenhurst Middle School installed its officers and members of the newly formed club on February 25, 2025, under the direction of its advisor Teresa Moar. This is the first

LHS Key Club helps build homes with Habitat for Humanity

The High School Key Club sponsored a dunk tank fundraiser earlier in the year to donate to Habitat for Humanity and participate in a build.  Club members spent the day Wednesday, 3/5, in Riverhead,

AP Physics Students Attend Cosmic Pathways symposium in NYC

Recently, the LHS AP Physics students attended the “Cosmic Pathways” Physics symposium in NYC. According to the Cosmic Pathways website, The symposium is an event focused on helping students learn

March Character Trait Education Video Series - Curiousity

This year our district would like to continue to build on character education. Each month we will be introducing a different character trait to the students during morning announcements, morning

Wm. Rall First Graders learn about Black History Month

First graders at William Rall participated in Black History Month by reading stories and learning about influential African Americans. 

Lindenhurst Key Club students care about our community!

The Lindenhurst Key Club spent their weekly Wednesday meeting assembling blessing bags for the Mercy Inn Soup Kitchen using items donated by club members and community member Mrs. Jennifer

High School Students receive Microsoft certifications!

Students in Kevin Cullen's Microsoft Office class recently received their 1st round of certifications. Microsoft Office certification is an important industry standard benchmark demonstrating a high

Lindenhurst Athletes commit to collegiate play.

  These Lindenhurst Student Athletes have all committed to play at the next level in college.      This would not occur had it not been for the tremendous hard work and dedication of our student

February Character Trait Education Video Series - Integrity

This year our district would like to continue to build on character education. Each month we will be introducing a different character trait to the students during morning announcements, morning

Class of 2025 Yearbook Ads

Attention Class of 2025. Yearbook Ads are available to purchase but time is running out. Yearbook Ads will be printed in the Class of 2025 yearbook for your graduating senior to view and cherish. 

Jennifer Lindner Wins ASSET Bright Light Award

Jennifer Lindner, ELL Teacher at Daniel Street received her ASSET Bright Lights Award at a luncheon on Friday, Jan 24th. The ASSET Bright Lights Award is a recognition given by ASSET (Association

Once upon a time.....

Literacy Night Brings Fractured Fairy Tales to Life!

Lindy grad gives back!

Kim Kazdal Came back recently to visit with Mr. Eve’s third period social studies class. Miss Kazdal gave a wonderful presentation about her experiences in high school, athletics, c

January Character Trait Education Video Series - Empathy

This year our district would like to continue to build on character education. Each month we will be introducing a different character trait to the students during morning announcements, morning

Middle School students lauded for helping servicemen abroad

Four students from Ms. Turner’s Social Studies class spent time throughout November collecting supplies to donate and ship to US servicemen & women stationed abroad. Mr. Chris Gaeckel of the

High School Key Club raises money for scholarship while helping save wildlife

Saturday, Dec. 7th the High School Key club hosted the Wildlife Center of Long Island in the High School rotunda.Students of all ages (and their parents) learned about wildlife native to Long

Lindenhurst Middle Schoolers celebrate "French Week" in style!

Middle Schoolers in Mme. Miller’s French classes recently celebrated French week in style, with French-themed foods and activities to finish off their day at school. Middle Schoolers celebrate

December Character Trait Education Video Series - Optimism

This year our district would like to continue to build on character education. Each month we will be introducing a different character trait to the students during morning announcements, morning

Good Luck to our NYSCAME/SCMEA All-County students from Lindenhurst High School

Good Luck to our NYSCAME/SCMEA All-County students from Lindenhurst High School.  here are the students and their teachers (Mrs. Lombardo, Mr. Pramnieks, and Mr. Pike) before heading to their final

Library Media Specialists Jennifer Kelly, Kelly Ricotta, and Marisa Knoth earn ISTE certification

Lindenhurst congratulates Library Media Specialists Jennifer Kelly, Kelly Ricotta, and Marisa Knoth on earning their ISTE certification!  The ISTE Certification is a professional development

Lindenhurst holds Superintendent's Conference Day - November 5th

  Have you ever wondered what actually takes place on "Superintendent’s Conference Day," beyond the fact that students don’t have school? For educators, it's an invaluable opportunity to get

Congrats to the Lindenhurst / West Babylon Girls Varsity Gymnastics Team!

Congrats to the Lindenhurst / West Babylon Girls Varsity Gymnastics Team on their 4th place finish at the Suffolk County Team

Red Ribbon Week

Lindenhurst participated in Red Ribbon Week earlier in October. This is a week set aside nationwide to remind us of the healthy decisions we can make to live a drug free life. The students and