The Kiwanis Club of Lindenhurst honors "Terrific Kids".

The Kiwanis Club of Lindenhurst honored two fifth-grade students at the Alleghany Avenue and Daniel Street schools as Terrific Kids. Terrific Kids is a student recognition program, created by Kiwanis International, that promotes character development, self-esteem, and perseverance. Students work with their teachers to establish goals to improve behavior, peer relationships, attendance or schoolwork.
Our Alleghany Winner:
Pictured here (from left to right) are:
Meghan Shore, Alleghany Avenue principal; JoAnn Boettcher, Kiwanis Club president; Paula Vidal, Kiwanis board member; Victoria Guerrero; Parents Yesenia and Oscar Guerrero and brother Sebastian.
Our Daniel St. Winner:
Pictured here are: JoAnn Boettcher, Kiwanis Club president; Ray and Amanda Vomero, parents of Gabriella Romero; Paula Vidal, Kiwanis Club board member; Antonella Zimmerman, teacher; and Dr. Jennifer Deuidicibus, school principal.