New Administrative changes for the 2024-2025 school year

Dear Lindy Community:
As I’m sure you are aware, our long-time middle school principal, Mr. Frank Naccarato, recently retired and was replaced by Dr. Matthew Boccanfuso, former high school assistant principal. As recently as earlier this week, our high school principal, Dr. Candice Brodie, announced her promotion to Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources in the Cold Spring Harbor School District, necessitating her immediate departure from her position in Lindenhurst. We wish Dr. Brodie well in her new position and will greatly miss her leadership.
Through no one’s fault, the timing of these changes could potentially jeopardize the stability of our students and community, which always is and always will be our top priority. Fortunately, however, we take great pride in our experienced and dedicated veteran administrators. Therefore, in consultation with my Cabinet and with the support of our Board of Education, the following staffing changes will take effect on Monday, July 15, 2024:
Dr. Matthew Boccanfuso will return to the high school to serve in an official capacity as High School Principal.
Ms. Marcy Miller, long-time Albany Avenue Principal, will be taking the helm of the middle school as Middle School Principal. (Ms. Miller served as a middle school assistant principal and reading teacher for many years prior to procuring her position as Albany Avenue Principal).
Mr. Scott Garofola, current Albany Avenue Assistant Principal, will now lead Albany Avenue as Principal, and we will conduct a search for his successor as Albany Avenue Assistant Principal.
All three administrators welcome the new challenge and the opportunity to continue to work together to serve our wonderful district in different capacities. Their proven track record has us more than confident in their abilities to be successful in their new roles. Please join us in congratulating these three stellar leaders!
Vincent A. Caravana
Superintendent of Schools