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Health Screenings

Commissioner’s Regulation §136.3(e)(1)(iii) requires hearing screening to be conducted in school if results of a hearing screening are not provided to the school on the student’s health certificate (the physical exam completed by a private healthcare provider) within six months of admission to the school
and in grades Pre-K or Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11, and at any other time deemed necessary. The hearing screening shall include, but is not limited to, pure tone screening.

Commissioner’s Regulation §136.3 (e)(1)(ii) requires a vision screening to be conducted in school if the results of a vision screening are not provided to the school on the student’s health certificate (the physical exam completed by a private health care provider) within six months of a student’s admission
to the school and in grades Pre-K or Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11, and at any other time deemed necessary. The vision screening shall include but is not limited to, distance acuity, and near vision, except within six months of admission to the school, the student will also be screened for color perception.

Scoliosis Screening: Scoliosis screenings are required for;

  • Girls in 5th and 7th Grade
  • Boys in 9th Grade


If your child was screened at their most recent physical and it was documented then a screening at school does not need to be conducted. If you would prefer that your child does not participate in this screening, please contact the school nurse and provide written documentation